Regardless of how these Ice Bucket Challenges play out, they are doing an amazing job! The ALS Association has seen a 1000% spike in donations since the first challenge went viral and there doesn’t seem to be an end to the celebrities, Korean and non-Korean, who are willing to participate in this amazing challenge!
Now let me be clear, we are not saying that these idols should not have participated. We are just saying that they should have rethought the logistics of their set up for their challenge.
We here at Officially KMusic thought it might be fun to look at some of our favorite idols challenges that didn’t quite go as planed or perhaps could have used a little more forethought.
We hope you enjoy this look at the funnier side of this very important viral challenge!
So the first thing we will talk about is the perchant for our idols, male and female, to wear WHITE while doing this challenge! Now it’s all in good fun and nothing is really shown, netizens critizing SECRET‘s Hyosung need to calm down. Seriously though, especially for women, we almost know from childhood that you don’t wear white if your planning on getting wet, it just doesn’t mix.
Siwon of Super Junior
Sooyoung from Girls Generation
Min from miss A
Suzy from miss A
Hyosung from SECRET
As you can see, white + wet equals, well, you saw!
The next snafoo that seems to be quite common in these challenges is forgetting to make sure your camera/phone battery is fully charged. I feel the worse for these idols! Not only do they have to suffer through the icy cold water once but to show what good sports they are they do it a second time once they replace the batteries!
Eric Nam
Zico from Block B
I honestly don’t know if I would have been able to do my challenge a second time! I was miserable after just one bucket!
Than you have the overkill! It’s the Ice BUCKET Challenge people! These poor idols, oh my, I’m not sure why they decided to go to such extremes but I really am sat here shivering watching their videos!
Sohyun of 4Minute
Hyoyeon from Girls Generation
I think the ones doing the dumping had a little to much fun in these!
These next two I really feel bad for the challengers. You have to be careful when using the ice water to make sure the ice has melted and isn’t in large clumps! Also you need to make sure your helpers who are dumping the water don’t have a masochistic side to them!
Kyung from Block B
L from Infinite
Seriously I feel bad for the both of them, I think their challenges might have been a little painful.
These last three, thankfully seem to be in classes all their own!
Dok2 sounds and looks like he is in his living room on carpted floor. Why would you do it inside? I just pity who ever had to clean it up!
It’s not Yoo Jae Suk I feel bad for in this one, even though he is technically the challenger but instead I feel bad for poor Kwangsoo!
And lastly, newly debuted group WINNER‘s Kang Seung Yoon does the Ice Bucket Challenge. I really hope it looks worse than it was, the poor thing, ice is slippery don’t ya know!
As I said, this was all in fun, it’s great so many people are jumping onto this band-wagon! I’m not normally one for the silly viral stuff but occasionally one comes along that really makes you think humanity ain’t that bad after all!
So what did you think of this list? Did we miss an idol who’s challenge, in your opinion, went a little wonky? Let us know in the comments below because as many idols out there who have been challenged and still need to accept, theres a possibility we will have to do a part two to this article!
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry