So the time has finally come, Inspirits. Sungkyu has released both music videos for his title tracks “The Answer” and “Kontrol” consecutively. Double the trouble and double the feels is a pretty accurate description.
There wasn’t much of a plot to “The Answer”, but the song itself made up for that tenfold. Sungkyu’s voice paired with the harmonious instrumental couldn’t have worked out better together if it tried.
I was actually very glad the music video didn’t have flashy clothes, a story line, or bright colors. It allowed me to focus more on the song itself and the vocals. Although in my personal opinion, and it could be just because I’m severely Sungkyu biased, he looked so, so good in this video so at times, it was a bit difficult for me to focus on just the song.
Now the overall theme or plot of “Kontrol” has been debated pretty much since the teaser for it came out, and I’ve heard many stories on Twitter and even in the YouTube comments.
After thinking it over, the one that I personally have deemed logical for myself to think that the music video and lyrics talk about is this: During the tragic Sewol Ferry incident that occurred last April (may the victims rest in peace), there was one Inspirit, a Sungkyu biased fan in particular, that I heard about. Now some other fans have put various pieces of the music video together, a picture of Infinite’s legs from “Nothing’s Over” era on the inside lid of the box Sungkyu opens, the small yellow ribbon on the fish bowl at the 0:19 second mark, the fact that the girl’s hair is wet at the end and they are sitting near a body of water, and many other factors have all contributed to this. So in the end, “Kontrol” is rumored to actually be a dedication song to that Inspirit.
Now I’m not sure if this is true or not so I’m hoping Sungkyu will clear this up during promotions. But if it us, boy the tears will be flowing every time I watch this video.
Let us know your thoughts about the story line of “Kontrol” in the comments section. I would love to know what your take on it is.
Source: Woolliment’s YouTube Channel
Edited by: Chaima
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry