As expected, official statements are starting to be made by government bodies regarding the horrific car accident that took the live of Ladies’ Code members EunB and RiSe. What was unexpected is that this statement is dramatically different from the reports that have been given up until this point. A representative of the fire department that responded to the accident has said that EunB was not in fact ejected from the vehicle, she was in the van when emergency service workers arrived on the scene. Also still in the car were Sojung and RiSe. RiSe was in far worse condition than we were led to believe, the official said that she was not breathing and was without pulse, requiring her to have CPR administered on the scene. Sojung was unconscious with obvious facial trauma. Ashley, Zuni and at least one other person were standing outside of the vehicle. No other information is available, the police report on what caused the accident could take as long as another whole week to be released.
It has also been confirmed that Sojung was told about EunB’s death before her facial surgery on September 6th. All reports say that her surgery was a success. We here at Officially KMusic are of the opinion that she is in good hands as South Korea is known for its plastic surgeons and the actual purpose of plastic surgery is to reconstruct and repair people who have had catastrophic injuries.
Ashley and Zuni were readmitted to the hospital following EunB’s service, no word on why beyond the statement that their injuries required further observation and treatment.
Everyone in the K-Pop world has been grieving and showing their support in their own way, BESTie and Sunny Hill have both been seen wearing black ribbons during their performances. M!Countdown did a touching tribute to Ladies Code during their most recent broadcast.
We will keep you all updated as official reports are released and more information becomes available.
Edited by: Karolina Goebel
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry