Following the release of the titular MV ‘Just Dance’ from JTBC and YG Entertainment’s new idol survival...
Rookie girl group, Weki Meki, has charmed fans with a ‘making-of’ video of their debut track, ‘I don’t...
Lee Hi has just come back with her album ‘Seoulite’, which contains two title tracks, ‘Breathe’ and...
4MINUTE surely stood up for the title of their comeback song, “Cold Rain,” with the scenario of...
The rookie boygroup B.I.G (Boys in Groove) has recently come back with another powerful MV, “Are You Ready?”...
In addition to releasing all of the tracks of his 2nd album, “Home,” on YouTube, as well as two music videos, Roy...
BTS have overcome the fans’ expectations with their most recent comeback with “Danger,” a powerful and catchy...
Wonder Girls‘ Yenny has certainly stood up for her new name HA:TFELT with her heartfelt debut album...
Hyuna hit the charts with her latest music video “Red“, which combines her sexy and cute sides...
The girls from the rookie duo Wings have recently released their first single album, which features lots...
N-SONIC, who recently made a comeback with their single, “Pop Beyond,” have now released a video giving fans...
GOT7 have been climbing the stairs of success with their new single “A,“,especially for their cuteness and...