Enter Kmusic’s Global Icon Dance Competition to win a signed GI album!!
A few weeks back, 2013 rookie group, Global Icon or GI gave Kmusic a shout-out and now we have a few signed CDs to give away to our fans!
Shout-out video:
The rules for this competition are simple, create a dance cover of GI’s debut track, ‘BEATLES,’ and submit it to us. The best dance covers will win a signed CD from the girls! We have a webpage for the competition where you submit your entry after uploading it to YouTube. Be sure to mention ‘Kmusic’ in the title so we know it’s an entry!
1) We are only giving away 4 signed GI Albums.
2) The video that you make must be recent and uploaded after the 25th of May 2013. Any video made before this date won’t be considered as an entry.
3) Groups can be between 2 to 4 members. You can submit a cover on your own as well.
4) Winners will be decided on technique, quality of dance and style.
5) We will announce the winner on the 21st June 2013 and send the disc the following day.
6) The form above must be filled in accurately.
7) The song cover you must do has to be GI’s song “Beatles”.
8) The video must be at least 1 minute long to be considered as an entry.
Good luck!
Article by: Mir
Edited by: Alona
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