2NE1 CL’s comeback video ‘Hello Bitches’ appeared pretty flawless from the top notch choreography, leather outfits, complete with the most infectious beat of 2015 and still the most infectious beat of 2016.
The popular YouTube channel House of Halo is known for recreating songs but not in the way you think. House of Halo literally takes the music out of the remake and lets you hear what goes on behind the videos like the moving in leather suits, heavy breathing, and basically all the sounds that don’t make the cut. After fans hounded the channel as to what their next #WITHOUTTHEMUSIC video should be, the channel abided and covered their second K-Pop video which happened to be CL’s ‘Hello Bitches.’ The video is still pretty epic even without the killer track.
Check out the best K-Pop parody below!
Did you like the no-music version of CL’s ‘Hello Bitches’? Which no-music version of a K-Pop song do you want to see next?
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Source: House of Halo Facebook
Edited by: Karolina
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