With their crazy outfits, addictive lyrics and hilariously catchy dance, 2PM have returned to their fans only to “Go Crazy“. But, remain calm, no one is going to be committed today.
The boys of 2PM seem to be having a blast performing and promoting their latest comeback and who can blame them with this fun and funky dance track.
Now showing off more of their crazy selves 2PM have taken time to visit 1TheK and participate in the #hashtag segment. They talk about #Are_You_Crazy?, #Party_Tonight, #Hangover, #Go_Crazy and #Debut_6th_Anniversary. If your curious what they had to say about these very interesting hashtags, make sure you check out the video below.
Source: 1TheK YouTube
Edited by: LeighDarling
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry