tvN drama “Emergency Room Couple” has recently released a behind-the-scenes still of the beloved ‘Monday Couple,’ Song Ji...
SM Entertainment has recently revealed three teaser photos for three goddesses of Girls’ Generation! Members Taeyeon, Seohyun,...
Are you in Shanghai for Valentine’s Day, with no plans at all? Well, just your luck! After...
Some S.M Rookies recently bonded and joined ‘The Celebrity‘ for a natural pictorial! Donning fashionable denim, the...
‘Love and War‘ has revealed that they will be beginning to prepare for another idol special! PD...
After news that ‘Running Man‘ will be travelling to film an episode in Australia, Rain is in...
SHINHWA member Lee Minwoo spoke about the music industry and gave some advice, as a veteran artist...
As the subgroup Rainbow Blaxx is taking on a sexy image, member Jaekyung followed suit for her...
It has been revealed that Henry will be the second foreign soldier to join the cast of...
B.A.P proved their global popularity when their newly released album topped the iTunes Top 10 Hip Hop...
Super Junior member Kyuhyun recently celebrated his birthday and sent his fans a message from the ski resort! He tweeted...
After revealing plans for S.M The Ballad’s comeback this February, many fans were confused and even upset...