Recently debuted duo group TASTY is consisting of twins Daeryong and Soryong and made their debut last...
It has been confirmed by RaNia and DR Music, that RaNia will be leaving for America in...
“What’s the next big thing?” said Woolim Entertainment in a curiosity-raising video before the release of a few mystery...
JiYoon from 4minute will be in the musical ‘My Love by My Side,’ marking this as her...
The new episode of ‘Laws of the Jungle 2’ which was suppose to be aired on the...
The upcoming group Trabler recently revealed a video teaser signaling their approaching debut. Traber is a male...
More news about the upcoming ballad group by Core Contents Media has been unveiled after earlier reports...
So at the ‘Alive GALAXY Tour 2012,’ it has become apparent that some girl is now missing...
It has been reported that Taecyeon from 2PM has received a perfect score (990 our of 990)...
Psy and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon recently met on October 23rd at the headquarters of the United Nations in...
HyunA from 4minute who has recently made a comeback as a solo artist to the K-pop world...
LUNAFLY has just unveiled the red curtains on their ‘Balcony Live’ performance which was held at Dal.Komm Coffee...