BTS unveiled the practice video for their impressive concept trailer. Ahead of their comeback, BTS released a...
In the new episode of OnStyle channel’s “Get It Beauty Self,” 2NE1‘s Dara presented how to wear different shades of...
Kim Ki Bum, the Super Junior‘s member on hiatus, has recently concluded filming his first Chinese drama ‘The...
Super Junior‘s Donghae hinted fans at an upcoming Super Junior sub-unit group by sharing a picture through...
Super Junior will be bringing their first Japanese album ‘Hero‘ to Korea on September 13th. This has...
Ji Sung and Lee Bo Young won’t be married until the 27th, but in his heart, they...
“We Got Married” is a show where famous, or slightly less famous people get an on-camera marriage....
2NE1‘s Minzy appeared on KBS’ ‘Mamma Mia‘ with her mother who revealed a lot of surprising secrets...
American Inspirits! Brace yourself because INFINITE is going all the way to the USA to meet all...
BIGBANG‘s leader is a real fashionista – everyone knows that. Devil wears Prada, and what are G-Dragon‘s...
MBC‘s ‘Radio Star guested MBLAQ on their episode on September 11th. The host of the shows did a...
tvN’s upcoming drama, ‘Reply 1994‘ has revealed a broadcast date. On September 12th, tvN stated that ‘Reply...