Two members of A Pink, Eun Ji and Na Eun, will be attending a campaign, titled “Meet...
Recently, Super Junior‘s Sungmin left his spot as a DJ in “Kiss the Radio” because of some...
Ryeowook gives free hugs to the fans. To commemorate his 500th Day of being a DJ in...
Following up last week’s narrators Girls’ Generation‘s Sunny and Seohyun, two KARA girls, Hara and Gyuri, will...
Japanese actress Sawajiri Erika finds Changmin adorable. Recently the actress was interviewed for her latest film, Helter...
On the most recent episode of MBC every1’s “Star N Photo” Shinhwa was chosen as the “#1 Best Idol...
It is a big surprise that BIG BANG‘s leader, G-Dragon, was the one who came with the...
KARA took home the ‘Most Popular Group’ award at the ′17th China Music Awards′. The group recently attended the 17th China...
FNC Entertainment’s official magazine, The FNC recently revealed the eye-catching photos of their artists for its upcoming...
The six members of B2ST visited Jeju Island together to film a CF for Dunkin’ Donuts, and...
The creative director of ‘18 Feet and Rising‘, is also a professional Psy impersonator. He has become...
Four KARA girls-Nicole, Hara, Jiyoung, and Gyuri- visited Macau for the ‘17th China Music Awards‘ and shared many...