Doojoon recently publicized why he was against making any potential relationship known. On ‘Happy Together,” the December...
Actress Jung Hye Young celebrates her birthday! On December 14th, YG Family tweeted: ‘Today is one of YG...
Two wax figures of Super Junior‘s Siwon have recently appeared! Kyochon Chicken created these figures by using detailed...
Sunny invites the fans to watch the ‘Catch Me If You Can‘ musical. On December 13th, Sunny...
Kim Hyung Joon meets the world famous designer, Jimmy Choo! On December 13th, Kim Hyung Joon posted...
Despite the busy schedules of SHINee, particularly holding tours around the world, we hope that the members...
HyunA becomes FIFA Online 3‘s new model! FIFA Online 3 explained why they chose the singer as...
F.T. Island‘s Hongki has decided to discontinue his position as the MC for ‘M! Countdown.’ His agency...
A new artist will debut under YG Entertainment! Super Star K2 finalist Kang Seung Yoon, who won...
Despite his busy schedule, it looks like PSY has already made plans for New Year’s Eve. The...
The three K-POP groups will showcase their talents in Melon Music Awards this year. Melon reveals the...
Members of Kara, along with Girls’ Generation‘s Yoona and Yuri, hold bras and panties to advertise. In...