The first episode of GOT7’s Dream Knight has finally been released! The fairy tale web drama has lived...
The “Reply” series has gathered thousands of fans from all around the world with their two seasons...
The upcoming KBS drama, “Spy,” already looks like a must see as well as a thrill ride! Stills...
Lee Joon may no longer be a singer but the singer turned full fledge actor is definitely...
It was over two weeks ago when the news broke out that After School’s UEE was confirmed...
Kim Ian, SM Entertainment’s rookie actor will star alongside Teen Top‘s Changjo as the second male lead in MBC...
On October 27th, it was announced that Teen Top‘s maknae Changjo will be the male lead in...
Drama production company Group 8 will be co-producing the Chinese version of the popular drama “Full House.”...
MBLAQ’s Lee Joon is making his return to the small screen with MBC’s upcoming drama, “Mr.Baek”. Lee Joon...
News outlet CNN visited the filming site of SBS‘ new drama “My Lovely Girl!” According to a...
Belatedly reported, Park Hae Jin was rushed to the ER for an IV after filming for OCN‘s “Bad...
Episode 10 of KBS2‘ “High School: Love On” starring Infinite‘s Woohyun, Sungyeol, and child actress Kim Saeron...