Upcoming SBS drama “Wind Blows in Winter” has revealed its official poster. The drams also launched promotional...
The action-packed drama, “IRIS 2,” revealed another set of still cuts in preparation for their upcoming premiere. The...
Actor Cho In Sung and actress Song Hye Kyo revealed a new photo taken during a drama...
Son Dambi has recently revealed her charm in 9 different facial expressions for her latest drama. On...
The idols of “IRIS 2” talked about their friendship at the drama’s press conference. The drama had...
Action-packed drama, “IRIS 2”, definitely knows how to tease their fans. They have revealed another set of...
Child actor Park Ji Bin (born in 1995) has gained a lot of attention with his new...
Davichi will sing the theme song of upcoming KBS 2TV‘s “IRIS 2”. The duo will sing the...
In the highly-anticipated KBS 2TV’s new drama series ‘IRIS 2’, B2ST’s Doojoon and actress Lee Da Hae...
Producers of KBS upcoming drama, ‘A Bit of Love’ (‘Remaining Love’), confirmed, that DMTN‘s Inati has joined...
It was announced that actor Ji Hoon, known for his role in ‘School 2013’, has been cast...
Top actress Park Shin Hye not only is acting for tvN’s ‘Flower Boy Next Door’ but has also lent her voice...