Despite serving his mandatory military enlistment, 8eight’s Lee Hyun has just released the main theme song for...
Son Na Eun of A Pink reminded fans to watch Childless Comfort on JTBC. On November 10, Na...
It was revealed that T-ara‘s new member, Dani, will be making her acting debut through KBS’ drama...
After a few months since their first strike, National Union of Mediaworkers – KBS Branch has decided to...
After a long shooting, the recording of SBS’s “Faith” with Lee Min Ho and Kim Hee Sun...
A Pink’s Eunji revealed a shocking story in “Strong Heart.” On the 30th October episode of “Strong...
FNC Entertainment has stated on the 21st that, “Hyejeong will appear on ‘Cheongdamdong Alice.’ She will play the heroine’s dongsaeng (played...
Lizzy from After School has just ended her film film sessions for ‘Rascal Sons’ – a new...
Actor Kang So Ra recently uploaded a new selca after her “My Pavarotti” filming. She posted saying “At...
After being initially announced in the first casting list, BEAST’s Yoon Doojoon’s participation in the drama has...
It was recently revealed that actor Chun Jung Myung will join the cast for upcoming drama ‘I...
J.Tune Camp, MBLAQ‘s agency, has updated its official Twitter with music letter from Cheondung/Thunder. As he wrote...