A-PRINCE, previously known as TAKEN, is a group of five members who debuted in mid 2012. The...
Kmusic had a competition running for more than 2 weeks about Sungha Jung’s signed CD. The instructions...
The ‘Kings of K-Pop’ have returned to Malaysia after a very long 6 years! The TVXQ! legacy...
A-Prince continues their schedules in Singapore by holding a special showcase at the DBS Arts Centre, Home of...
A-Prince are currently in Singapore to meet their fans through a special showcase. To start off their...
LUNAFLY have met once again with LUKIES in Singapore, during their showcase held on May 12th. The...
Sungha Jung was born on September 2, 1996 in South Korea. His dream is to become a...
It’s finally here! The result of the “Like a K-Pop Star” competition where you, Kmusic’s fans, could...
Do you love making Youtube Videos and love kpop?! If you said YES, we need you! We...
LUNAFLY continues their events in Singapore, personally meeting their fans, ‘LUKIES’ on May 11th. Before the fan...
A new shout out is coming! But who is it? We can’t say much about it now,...
Do you dream of seeing CNBLUE live in Melbourne? Now, only on KMUSIC, you have a chance...