Actor Lee Jong-suk shows off his charisma in the upcoming MBC drama, ‘W – Two Worlds’. Taking the...
Super Junior‘s Kangin was recently involved in a hit and run incident and was reported to have driven under...
Recently JYP Nation was involved in an interesting Rock-Paper-Scissor battle in order to choose members to sing the group...
Rookie soloist D.Zyne, makes her entry into the K-Pop scene with a sweet love song titled ‘Simply...
Super Junior‘s Kim Hee-chul starts to get close to fans through Instagram once again! Yes, you can connect with...
Bangtan Boys, better known as BTS, has simply reached another milestone having their latest releases as the...
More stars from JYP Nation battled against each other, with a Rock-Paper-Scissor game, to perform the group...
EXO is ready to take control with their 3rd album ‘EX’ACT’. They have just held their comeback...
Making this summer more glamorous than ever, SISTAR is preparing for a comeback! The girls have released two...
A new month is begun, and K-POP world passed a fabulous week of this month already. We,...
Our favorite kpop boys BTS encountered a rough start to their trip to Taiwan today! Taiwanese fans came...
SNSD’s Tiffany is ready to take you to her ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ with the release of a mysterious...