As Dreamcatcher has been leading fans to their comeback, the girls have released a mysterious video teaser for ‘Good Night‘. Check it out below!
‘Good Night’ is the title track for their upcoming single, ‘Fall Asleep In The Mirror‘. It seems this music video is linked up to their first debut music video of ‘Chase Me‘. As some can recall, ‘Chase Me’ music video ending had a “To Be Continued”, allowing fans to speculate the correlation between ‘Chase Me’ and ‘Good Night’ teaser.
So far, actor Jo Dong Hyuk makes his appearance again in Dreamcatcher’s music video. This time around he is in deep thought about something and is studying different chapters of a book. This chapter is special since outlines and drawings of the girls can be seen in the pages, which correlates well with what the girls did in ‘Chase Me’ music video. It definitely has fans intrigued and tense due to the constant clock ticking with the low piano notes played to set the scene.
What is more unsettling about this teaser, is the end scene where the reflection of Jo Dong Hyuk slowly turns towards him even though he himself did not turn! It definitely got fans filled with goosebumps in a good way! Even though they have released a bit of the storyline, it is still a mystery as to how this ‘Good Night’ music video will turn out!
‘Good Night’ will be released on 5th of April. Meanwhile, check out the video teaser above and let us know what you think! Are you excited for Dreamcatcher’s return? What do you think the story will be like? Let us know in the comments below!
Officially KMUSIC will continue to keep you updated on Korean entertainment, so stay tuned!
Source: Happyface Entertainment Youtube Channel
Writer: Tracey
Editor: Gigi
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