tvN drama “Emergency Room Couple” has recently released a behind-the-scenes still of the beloved ‘Monday Couple,’ Song Ji Hyo and Gary.
Gary recently appeared as a cameo for the humorous drama, playing as the driver responsible for driving Oh Jin Hee (Ji Hyo’s character) home, when she got drunk.
A rep of the drama announced, “Loyal Gary came to the set for our drama and he appeared as a chauffeur. Song Ji Hyo, who plays the role of Jin Hee, also sang Gary’s new song in the hopes to bring forth more publicity. The atmosphere around the shooting was so funny and the two looked like they were having as much fun as they did for ‘Running Man.’ Don’t miss out on this! ”
Check out the still and the cut from the drama below!
Source: soompi
Article by: Emily
Edited by: Karolina
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