Good news for EXO L’s!
Following SM’s release that EXO‘s Kai would not be actively promoting during the ‘LOTTO’ comeback, Kai posted on the Official EXO L website to update fans on his health. In his cute statement he shows his love and gratitude for his fans. The message continues to end on a happy note with Kai announcing that he is finally able to dance again!
Check out the post and translation below:
English Translation:
“Hello. I am EXO’s Kai.
I missed you.
You have no idea how much I missed you.
After the concert ended, I wanted to talk to you all for just a little longer
So I came here to make a ‘From EXO’.
Have you perhaps heard the news?
I can finally dance again!
Today, those are the happiest words in the world for me.
Before going on stage my legs were shaking due to nerves,
But once I was on stage in front of you all, I felt nothing but happiness.
I was the same feeling I had when we débuted.
When I got off stage,
I remembered how I had done rehabilitation training every day, just for this moment.
I felt very thankful towards my members, who have worked hard in my stead
And to our reliable EXO-L, who were my pillar of support,
I want to say how very thankful I am.
Up to this point, I wasn’t able to participate in every performance
But I will be able to do so soon.
Once again, I felt how precious the stage is to me
This time, to become your reliable pillar,
I will work harder.
The long summer was swept away by the cool winds of autumn.
Like the mountains coloured with leaves, I hope your hearts will also be coloured with happiness.
I truly love you, EXO-L
P.s. I’m going to come here so often you’ll get sick of me ♥”
Original Translation:
Kai – 161003 Official EXO-L website update: “EXO 카이 입니다.” (”I am EXO’s Kai”)
“안녕하세요. EXO 카이 입니다.
보고 싶었어요.
얼마나 보고 싶었는지 몰라요.
콘서트가 끝나고 여러분을 조금 더 보고 싶어
프롬엑소로 무작정 달려왔습니다.
혹시 소식 들으셨나요?
제가 드디어 춤을 추기 시작했어요.
오늘만큼은 이 말보다 더 행복한 말은 없는 것 같아요.
무대에 서기 전 다리가 떨리고 긴장되서
어쩔 줄 몰랐었는데 막상 여러분이 계신 무대 앞에 서니
그저 행복하기만 했습니다. 데뷔 때 느꼈던 그러한 마음이네요.
무대에서 내려오니
오늘을 위해 매일같이 재활운동을 했던 것도 기억나고
고생했을 멤버들이 너무나도 고맙고
든든히 버팀목이 되어준 우리 엑소엘에게
너무 고맙다는 말을 하고 싶었어.
아직 모든 무대에 함께 하진 못하지만
곧 다른 무대에서의 모습도 보여드리도록 할게요.
무대에 대한 소중함을 다시 한번 더
이번엔 제가 여러분의 든든한 버팀목이 될 수 있도록
더욱 더 노력하겠습니다.
긴 여름이 가고 바람과 함께 가을이 찾아왔어요.
단풍잎에 물든 산처럼 여러분의 마음도 행복에 물들었으면 좋겠습니다.
사랑해 정말 엑소엘
P.s 이제 지겹도록 찾아올거야 ♥”
Are you excited to hear that Kai is back on his feet? Let us know in the comments below!
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Source: SMtown | Dailyexo Tumblr
Edited By: Gigi Estilo
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry