On January 5th, the beloved Prince Mak of JJCC updated the group’s official Twitter with teaser photos, and a statement about their upcoming comeback on January 14th.
These photos were posted, along with the statement: “Set the music industry and women’s hearts on fire! Let’s eat, play, and live well in 2015~ Together with JJCC in 2015~~~~^^*coming soon 2015.01.14.” Their Facebook was updated with a new teaser photo as well, including all the members and their names.
A representative from Jackie Chan Group Korea stated, “Through this album, JJCC will take on a drastic transformation 10 months into their debut. This album will be a turning point for them as artists… JJCC are preparing to show new charms and hot performances which will showcase their unique color.”
After “At First” and “BingBingBing (One Way),” the group seems to be taking a more playful and laid back approach to their new release, “Light It Up!”
I hope you are as excited as I am to see the boys back in action! Stay tuned here at OfficiallyKmusic for new updates!
Sources: OfficialJJCC Twitter, JJCC Facebook, 24-7 Kpop
Edited by: Laura Dees
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry