We’ve once again reached the end of the month which means it’s time to review and pick our favourite comebacks from the past month. In our monthly series, we take our opinions and pass it onto you guys. As avid fans, I’m sure we all have our top picks and if yours is not listed here, write it down in the comments below! We love hearing what everyone’s picks were for the month.
As we end near awards season, many of these songs are not eligible for end of year awards as the cutoff date has either surpassed, or there is insufficient time to make a massive impact that songs from earlier in the year would have had the time to mature and take hold. But who knows, the best songs from this time of year might make a cool appearance with their lasting impact on next year’s nominations. Below are some of our favorites from this month.
Released just a day before the end, this special single by the soloist hits all the marks. With its minimal chorus, the track is slightly less flourished than her predecessors however it allows for her voice to take centre stage. The singer’s distinct tone sounds bright here. The airy tone brings the repeated title sung in the chorus a light breezy almost pure feeling despite its heavy subject material.
This song is part of the artist’s first album which focuses on feelings young people have. After the first listen we could relate to the lyrics and its powerful emotions of getting lost and wanting to throw everything away in exhaustion. At the stage in life where we are slowly moving from children to adulthood, the world might seem to crumble down around us. And GAHO delivers those feelings just right in this epic track.
With their 2nd comeback this year, the boys of the Starship Entertainment group brought the house down with this banger. In the true style of their songs, they crush through rap heavy verses with brashness and confidence before a mammoth first part of the chorus. Powerful vocals follow the catchy second part of the chorus before reentering the rap dungeon. The energy this track has is relentless so it may be divisive. However for those that like the track, it’s heading straight to one of the top of the month and possibly the year.
JUNNY is trying his best to overcome loneliness in the space of his little flat and it kind of aligns with our feelings of isolations during these hard times. These sad emotions are wrapped up in a colorful MV and cheerful catchy melody which just makes us get up and jam, alone, in our living room.
Let us know your best songs of the month in the comments below!
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Written by Derek and Terry
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- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry