Officially Kmusic proudly announce a shout out from pop-ballad duo Davichi!
Davichi, which consists of Lee Haeri and Kang Minkyung, was formed in 2008 under Core Contents Media and has been snatching awards right, left and center ever since then. Walking away with not one, not two, but three ‘Best New Artist Awards‘ in their debut year, these ladies showed everyone that they are here to stay.
Their name “Davichi” was derived from the word “Dabichi” which means the light to shine over the world, illustrating their voices to be spread over the world, explained by Lee Haeri during one of the episodes of “Pops in Seoul“.
Please keep supporting these amazing ladies and watch their shout out video below!
Davichi ‘The Letter’
Davichi ‘Be Warmed’
Article by: Chaima
Edited by: Ashleigh
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry