Officially KMusic is very pleased to say we had the chance to submit some questions to BrandNew Music‘s new rookie group TROY. Of course we had our readers in mind when we sent in the questions so we tried to make sure to ask some of the things we knew you would be curious about.
With the members of TROY all already having careers prior to the formation of the group, the age difference between the members and even their future plans, Eva Lam, the author behind the questions, made sure to cover all the important things to help you, our readers learn more about TROY.
So make sure you take some time and check out this quick look into the mind of the members of TROY.
EVA: Could you please talk about your debut concert “Green Light“? (그린라이트에 대해서 말씀해주세요~)
TROY: 그린라이트는 흔히 알고 계신 사랑의 대한 그린라이트가 아닌 일상에 지친 사람들에게 더이상 멈춰있지말고 청신호를 받은것처럼 어디론가 여행도 가보고 해보지못한일도 해보라는 의미로 만들게 되었습니다.
Translation: “Green Light” is not the kind of “Green Light” used for signaling romantic relationships these days, but was made to address those that are tired of everyday life and that they should go travel or do something new like they’ve just gotten the green light.
EVA: All of you had a career before the debut of TROY, how does it feel like to be part of a bigger group? (많은 멤버들이 트로이 전에 커리어가 있으셨는데 트로이에 속한 느낌이 어떠신가요?)
TROY: 다양한 분야에서 각자 다른일을 많이 해온지라 멤버들이 지식도 많고 서로 분야가 다르기도해서 부족한부분을 채워주는데 참 좋은거 같습니다 🙂
Translation: We think its very nice that every member has a lot of knowledge in different areas due to the fact that we have diverse experiences in various fields, and it helps fill in what each member lacks as an individual.
EVA: There is a huge age gap in between the members in TROY, how do you deal with that? (트로이 멤버들 간에 엄청난 나이 차이가 있는데 그런 차이를 극복하는 방법이 있나요?)
TROY: 사실 저희가 나이차이가 이렇게 나기때문에 밖에서 생활하면서 어울리게될일은 없었겠죠? ㅎㅎ 하지만 음악이라는것 안에서 함께 일하고 생활하다보니 사실 나이차이때문에 크게 불편하다거나 극복해야할 문제점이 있진 않은것 같습니다
Translation: I guess because of our age gap, we wouldn’t be together like this if it wasn’t for TROY? lol But I think that because we are working together under music, we really don’t have any hardships or discomforts due to our age gap.
EVA: Who and what are your inspirations for going after music? (무엇 그리고 어떤 것이 음악적 영감을 주나요?)
TROY: 아주 소소한 일상에서부터 온 국민이 다 아는 빅 뉴스까지, 다른 아티스트의 음악이나 춤 또는 영화 그리고 주변사람들이나 제가 직접느끼는 감정에서 많이 영감을 받습니다.
Translation: We get a lot of inspiration from very minor everyday life details to big national news, other musicians’ music or dance, movies, people around us, and also personal feelings.
EVA: Who would you want to collaborate in the future with? (미래에 누구와 컬레보레이션 작업 하고 싶으신가요?)
BumKey: 글쎄요 아직 딱히 떠오르는사람은 없습니다 이유는 항상 작업하다가 그 음악이 만들어지면 그때 누구와 어울리겠다 라는 생각이 들기때문에 음악이 나오지 않는이상 누구와 딱히 하고 싶다는 잘 모르겠네요
미친연애때도 작업을 다 끝내고 이센스를 찾았고 갖고놀래때도 작업후에 다듀를 찾았습니다. 그린라이트때는 피쳐링이 필요없다고 판단되었구요. 앞으로도 음악에 따라 원하는 가수가 생길수도 아닐수도 있겠네요
Translation: Hmm.. No one specific comes in mind. It’s because while I’m working, and when something is finished, it’s then when I think of someone that would go well with the song. So unless I have something
in particular, I guess I don’t have anyone that I want to collaborate with. With ‘Bad Girl’ too, after I finished it, I thought of E SENS and when I finished ‘Attraction’, I wanted Dynamic Duo . For GREEN LIGHT I didn’t think we needed a featuring. In the future as well, I think I might want someone according to the music I make.
EVA: What your plans for TROY in the future? (앞으로 트로이의 계획을 알려주세요~)
TROY: 이제 시작이니만큼 열심히 작업하고 활발히 활동하고 싶습니다
Translation: We want to work hard and actively go about since this is only the beginning.
EVA: Do you have any message for your fans?
TROY: 저희를 응원해주셔서 감사합니다. 하루 빨리 만나뵙고 싶네요!
Translation: Thank you for your support, we look forward to meeting you!
Special thanks to BrandNew Music for this interview and stay tune to KMusic for the latest updates on TROY.
Interview by: Eva Lam
Article by: Angelspatience
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