The artist Lee Seong Jong recently shared on his official SNS he is heading to Europe very soon. His “1st Europe showcase tour” is going to have a busy schedule with six stops spread from June to July. Thanks to this, his fans across the continent will be able to meet him. The full schedule is as follows:
23. June 2023
London, UK
venue: Conway
24. June 2023
Paris, France
venue: Mains d’oeuvre
25. June 2023
Amsterdam, Netherlands
venue: QFactory
30.June 2023
Berlin, Germany
venue: So36
01. July2023
Warsaw, Poland
venue: Progresia
02. July 2023
Budapest, Hungary
venue: Analog Music Hall
The tickets are being sold through TicketPOP so hurry up and grap yours.
Source: artist official Twitter account
Written by: Terry
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry