We’re officially at the countdown mark … less than 10 days until the much anticipated kick off of 2NE1‘s All or Nothing World Tour happens in Seoul!
As the girls prepare for their big day, Dara couldn’t help but to share something that’s been on her mind, “콘서트 리허설중 틈틈히 취미생활 즐기는중. 요즘은 개인생활을 즐길 여유가 전혀 없어서 이 상황을 차라리 즐기고있다. 모든걸 리허설장에서 해결하기 위해 운동기구에서부터 기타,식량까지 바리바리 싸들고다닌다 ㅋㅋㅋ”
Translation, “Concert rehearsal at intervals of enjoying a hobby. These days, it’s not at all afford to enjoy your life in this situation I would rather have enjoyed. Everything from exercise equipment to solve the other in rehearsals, food fights hard to carry kekeke”
With much hard work, Dara knows how to sprinkle a little fun here and there! Fans laughed right along with her and praised her for staying true to her silly, yet adorable character.
Are any of you excited for the Tour?
Source: krungy21
Article by: Nikki
Edited by: Karolina
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry