Many of our beloved Idols have just about the cutest pets – whether it be dogs or cats, they never let us forget!
This time, SNSD‘s Sooyoung, uploaded a picture of 3 cute small dogs, Cherri, Mori and im not sure the name of the other dog x.x which sent fans on a rave!
She left the message, “보고싶다 수리수리모리체리수수리샤바”
Translated, “can someone help me with this translation LOL”
These cute furry friends most certainly have charm! Fans couldn’t help but to leave heart warming comments, “They’re sooooo cute“, “Family? Kekeke“, “They miss you too! So cute” and so much more!
Would you agree with other fans?
Source: syofgg
Article by: Nikki
Edited by : Alona
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Bored
- Sad
- Angry