One of Busker Busker’s members, Jang Bum Joon, celebrates their first anniversary as a rookie group with an...
Today, March 30th or (130330) marks the official debut of members AJ and Hoon with U-KISS, exactly 2 years ago...
BTOB celebrated its first year as a k-pop group on March 22 through their Twitter. They debuted back on March 22, 2012. One of the members wrote on their Twitter, “Woo!! 1 year since our debut! Wow… Congrats to us! 🙂 haha 😛 kudos to everyone that has supported us then and...
NU’EST debuted a year ago already! Time seems to have flied for this 2012 rookie boy group....
2013 Shinhwa 15th Anniversary Concert! Order tickets here: Ticket.Interpark Tickets went on sale Feb 13th. And sold...
It’s been a whole year since B.A.P debuted under TS Entertainment in January 2012. It was a...
Yesterday, the LUNAFLY Official Facebook was updated with a status relating to their 100 day anniversary. “Sorry...
It was announced that DJ DOC will be celebrating their 20-year anniversary with a new album! The...
To commemorate the hallyu star Jang Geun Suk’s 20th year debut anniversary, Japanese fans gave him the...