The appropriately named ‘Cosmic Girls‘ YouTube channel follows fellow Starship group MONSTA X who also launched their...
Officially Kmusic would like to wish NFLYING’s Jaehyun, WJSN’s Cheng Xiao, and B.I.G.’s J-Hoon all a very...
Cosmic Girls (also known as WJSN) have released an exclusive performance music video for their newest track, ‘Happy.’ The...
Comic Girls have dropped their individual image teasers for their upcoming comeback, ‘Happy Moment‘. All The images...
As we say goodbye to 2016, we get to see one more show where all our favourite...
This week’s special Ultra Dance Festival (UDF) stage for SBS‘s “Inkigayo” is bringing us a new male,...
Officially KMusic would like to wish Cosmic Girls‘ Cheng Xiao a very happy birthday! Birth Name: Cheng Xiao Stage Name: Cheng...
A new girl group is in town, and we have the pleasure to see them slowly be...