Once again, LOONA is gearing up for their upcoming debut. They continue to drop each members’ individual...
LOONA‘s Hyunjin celebrates her 500 days since debut! She has presented a gift for fans to celebrate this...
LOONA‘s ViVi, Choerry and Yves has finally dropped the MV for their Christmas track, ‘The Carol 2.0‘....
LOONA has dropped the second teaser for ‘The Carol 2.0‘. They have also revealed more information on...
LOONA’s Yves has finally made her solo debut with ‘New’. As many knows, LOONA is known for...
ODD EYE CIRCLE fans have a lot to be thankful for at the moment! To celebrate their...
LOONA‘s sub-unit ODD EYE CIRCLE is back with their repackaged album, ‘Max & Match‘. This time, they...
ODD EYE CIRCLE are just hours away from dropping their repackage album ‘Max & Match‘! Following the...
Here’s one for the English-speaking fans! LOONA sub-unit ODD EYE CIRCLE have released the lyric video for the...
Odd Eye Circle will return soon with repackage album ‘Max & Match‘! An all-black teaser image of...
LOONA reveals a special surprise for their fans! LOONA‘s second sub-unit had recently made their debut. The...
LOONA continues to drop teasers for ODD EYE CIRCLE. This time it is the concept photos. Their...