Popular Kpop idol Rain whose real name Jung Ji Hoon, cleared rumors by announcing his upcoming marriage with...
It’s official, loyal fans of the new YG Entertainment group BLACKPINK can now call themselves ‘BLINK‘! In...
After going strong for ten years, FTISLAND are planning on a 10th anniversary album! During a special...
SISTAR’s Hyolyn, and her partner, Jo Yongu covered BTS’s song ‘Butterfly’ on MBC’s ‘Duet Song Festival’. Their harmonization...
After the departure of Nam Taehyun in December, WINNER began hinting at a comeback. Reported on January...
Officially KMUSIC is no stranger to bringing you the latest in K-Pop and K-Drama news, now we’re...
Officially Kmusic would like to wish Kim Boa of SPICA a very happy 30th birthday! Name: Kim...
Though it took a little longer than anticipated, KPOPME has finally officially released the announcement of HyunA‘s...
Latin American fans are getting two firsts in one: their own KCON and their first show with...
In 2016, 9 boys broke out into Kpop scene and captured the hearts of thousands of fans!...
Dream Catcher are getting closer to debuting and have just showcased the final video teasers before its...
EXID’s Hani, MAMAMOO’s Solar, and f(x)’s Luna are joining forces and releasing a collaboration single on January...