Despite ‘Friday Night‘ being released nearly a month ago, SONAMOO are continuing to surprise their fans! Ever since...
In the latest version of ‘Friday Night,’ the girls of SONAMOO gathered around in front of a camera...
SONAMOO has finally dropped the first music video for their current project, ‘Happy Box‘. For their ‘Happy...
As SONAMOO‘s comeback is approaching quite quickly, the girls have dropped the trailer for their upcoming track,...
Things are heating up in the countdown to SONAMOO‘s August comeback! In preparation the group’s comeback, SONAMOO have been...
SONAMOO reveals the second batch of image teasers for ‘Friday Night‘. ‘Friday Night‘ is the first part...
As previously mentioned, SONAMOO is up to something quite fun! The girls have prepared for a three-month...
We all love Fridays, don’t we? It is the perfect time to relax after a long hectic...