By popular demand the popular Japanese drama ‘Detective Kindaichi’ based off the famous manga will hit the air...
2PM‘s Jun.K begins his Japanese invasion with the release of his first solo mini album “Love &...
This is the year for 2PM‘s Jun. K. With the recent release of his first Japanese solo...
Boyfriend are returning to the Japanese music scene with a release of a short version of a...
2PM‘s lead vocalist, Jun.K, teases fans with the release of his first teaser image for his ‘LOVE & HATE‘...
The growing popularity of C-Clown in Japan has been proven once again, as the tickets for the...
SM Entertainment has created a new joint company, “Everysing Japan,” in order to multiply its digital music sales and...
It was announced that Kim Hyun Joong will be making a comeback with a new Japanese album....
Boy group U-KISS attended a baseball game in Japan on April 26th, proudly wearing their yellow ribbons in...
Band CNBlue has made their mark on the Oricon Chart, with their Japanese single “Truth” claiming the number 3 spot! “Truth” is...
Boyfriend is making their return with their fifth Japanese single on May 23rd! The single, titled “Start Up...
TVQX start their 7th Japanese tour, “TVXQ Live Tour 2014~TREE~,” at Yokohama Arena on April 22nd! TVXQ’s latest album, “Tree,” was released on...