The former MCs of ‘Weekly Idol,’ Jung Hyung Don and Defconn (formerly known as Doni and Coni) have revealed that...
This exciting trio will be joining forces to bring new insight into the love lives of Korean...
Yes, that is right! Unfortunate news has been revealed about ‘Weekly Idol‘. Our current MCs Jung Hyung...
iKON’s upcoming variety show ‘Global Friendship Project School – Rebellious Field Trip’ has confirmed its official broadcast...
JTBC have announced plans to launch a new variety program to be titled ‘Night Goblin’. FTISLAND’s Lee...
If you’re a long-time “Weekly Idol” viewer, the one thing you’re certain to know about is the...
‘Weekly Idol’ MC, Jung Hyun Don, will be returning to the show on October 5th after his year-long...
The silly band of misfits are back with a brand new single. ‘Ojingeo Doenjang‘ (Soy bean Paste)...
Cast members of MBC‘s “Infinity Challenge” and SBS‘ “Running Men” have paid their respect to the students...
Weekly Idol dropped more photos teasing at the upcoming continuing bromance between G-Dragon and co-host Jung Hyung...
This year the variety show, Infinity Challenge, held their bi-yearly music festival. This year’s festival, “2013 Infinity Challenge...
Their bromance may just be heating up! G-Dragon and comedian Jung Hyung Don may no longer be...