In August 2012 Mnet‘s fourth season of it’s talent show, “Superstar K4″ aired. The season featured judges Lee...
For a young man with a relative new career Yoo Seung Woo has already garnered a few...
Well maybe it’s because he plays the guitar, which encourges people to ask, or maybe it’s because...
Well he may be young but Yoo Seung Woo is making his mark on the music industry....
Gray is the first artist to sign under Jay Parks label a year ago. While on the...
“Confession” is one of the most popular songs released by Yim Jae Bum. Called one of the...
Once part of legendary group H.O.T., now, Jang Woo Hyuk is pursuing his solo career so we...
If we talk about Yim Jae Bum, we imediately think of one of his most popular songs,...
A lot of people have been comparing Zion.T to BIGBANG’s G-Dragon. It is also not a secret,...
If you didn’t catch Dok2’s profile article you can head on over here to catch up on what...
Yim Jae Bum is a veteran soloist who has earned the title of the King of OST. His...
Zion.T has been around for a number of years already, but he is still not receiving as...