“The Tunnel,” is a film about a man (played by Ha Jung Woo) who is heading home from...
Officially KMusic would like to wish Teen Top‘s Niel a very happy birthday! Stage Name: Niel Birth Name: Ahn Daniel...
“Idol Star Athletics Championships” will be switching up its format a bit for its upcoming Chuseok special!...
The FINE BROS recently sat down with a bunch of awesome YouTubers to film “YouTubers React To...
BTOB is up first to sing for the upcoming tvN drama “Cinderella and Four Knights“! The first...
After Hyuna‘s first win with ‘How’s This?‘, she has released the choreography dance practice video for this song, celebrating her...
JYP Entertainment previously announced that “15&‘s Park Jimin is planning to make a comeback by the middle...
When last reported, Dean’s Instagram account appeared to be deactivated due to hateful criticism about rumored plastic surgery. On...
BLACKPINK made their official debut on a live stage, not long after releasing their hit singles! On August...
On August 14th 2016, it was reported that soloist BoA and SHINee‘s Taemin almost shared a kiss...
After collaborating with Flowsik for ‘Recipe‘, UNIQ‘s Seungyoun, also known as LUIZY, is back again with his...
BIGBANG‘s Seungri has shared a photo with singer and fashionista, Jessica Jung! On August 14th, Seungri uploaded...