Cosmic Girls, new rookies set to debut under Starship Entertainment and Yuehua Entertainment, have released their first...
SM Entertainment released the second single for their STATION project under S.M Digital Music Channel. This time...
Megan Bowen AKA ChoNunMiGookSaram gave us a cute little surprise today as she invited idol group Topp...
After a long awaited return, Nu’est is back with their fourth mini-album ‘Q is.’ Having just finished...
“Don’t believe everything you see on the Internet” – that’s the message Ailee put out into the...
AOA balanced with their management company, FNC Entertainment, when it came to expenses and that within three...
Jo Kwon from 2AM shows his gratitude towards the star of his latest music video, EXO’s Suho,...
Girls Generation started their 4th tour named ‘Phantasia’ in Seoul on the 21st of November in Korea...
SHINee’s Taemin is all set for his solo comeback. The album is titled ‘Press It’, of which...
2NE1’s leader, CL, who is currently working on her American debut, attended her friend, Alexander Wang’s, fashion...
4TEN, formally known as POTEN, returns with four members and have released the music video teaser for...
2NE1 CL’s comeback video ‘Hello Bitches’ appeared pretty flawless from the top notch choreography, leather outfits, complete...