KNK, the newcomers to YNB Entertainment, have officially released their debut date! The five member group will...
Cosmic Girls, also known as WJSN, had released the first teaser video with Lee Kwang Soo a...
Nu’est has surprised fans with a special video, the performance version of their newest single, ‘Overcome!’ Fans...
B.A.P have finally released the music video for their title track, ‘Feels So Good’. They teased us...
SM Entertainment is going all out for Taemin’s anticipated comeback. It started with a teaser poster so...
Evermore Music is home of rock/indie artists Burstered, Kim Bada, Jung DongHa, SINAWE, Hello Stranger, S.L.K, and...
As you must know by now, Ladies’ Code is having their first comeback as a trio this...
Fantagio has been making sure their newcomers are getting out there before their official debut. Astro has...
When someone auditions for ‘KPOP STAR’, surviving until the TOP 10 seems to be a goal as...
On the recent episode of ‘Infinite Challenge’ from February 20, cast member HaHa boasts that him, So JiSub, Lee...
I need to start by saying that this is my favorite 4MINUTE album so far. I had...
Quite a few artists celebrated their birthdays on 18th February. Among them was our very own J-Hope,...