G-Dragon recently joked on Dara‘s tweet. On February 22nd, Dara posted on her personal Twitter account, “I am listening...
HyunA shared a selca of her wearing her training outfit on Twitter. On February 21st, Cube Entertainment...
G-dragon has yet shared another heart-melting picture of him as a child! Being the leader of Big...
As everybody knows SISTAR19 has captured the attention of many with their sexy comeback. Beside all the...
Just recently, T-ara’s Hyomin revealed the set for her Japanese movie. On February 22nd, through Hyomin’s agency...
Team H, a project group formed by actor Jang Keun Suk and DJ Big Brother have now began touring Asia....
The boys of B.A.P will be having a special donation box open for their first solo concert....
Soojung was reported to be sexually harasses on the subway. On February 21st, a representative from Seocho Police Department...
Japanese model Tsubasa Masuwaka tweeted an apology for her comments on the Japanese show ‘Downtown DX‘ regarding...
It was revealed that Kanye West himself introduced 2NE1‘s CL to famous French designer, Jean-Charles de Castelbajac....
Dara recently visited Gummy‘s fanmeeting. On February 20th, Gummy posted on YG Entertainment‘s official me2day account, “I...
KBS Top Band contestant, Broken Valentine, will be lending a helping hand at the B.A.P Live on...