Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seohyun, also known as TTS, will leave MBC‘s Music Core as MCs. The trio, who...
Jung Key, an impressive group with powerful arrangements and incredible lyrics, have come back on the scene...
NU’EST officially announced the winner of the “Let’s Dance” Cover Contest on April 1st. LOEN agency uploaded a video...
After making his solo debut last year with “The First Collage“, B2ST‘s Yang Yoseob revealed that he will...
G-Dragon, who recently kicked off his first world tour in Seoul, will be a special guest at...
Teen Top recently became the first ever male group to top ‘Soribada’ chart this year. A representative...
Jay Park is returning to the music scene with a digital single titled “JOAH” (meaning ‘like’ in...
It was announced that Zion.T will be releasing his first solo album, “Red Light”, on April 9th....
Lee Hi recently revealed an artistic side of her. On April 2nd, the singer posted on her...
Hara and Jiyoung enjoy the rainy day with each other. Recently, Hara posted on her personal Twitter...
Lee SeungGi, a gifted actor and singer is becoming a model for Banana Yoshimoto‘s new novel. Yoshimoto...
Kim WooBin, an actor, confessed that he lied to his cousin about being best friends with IU....