YG Entertainment revealed that one of the two contestants of the ‘Superstar K‘, Euna Kim and Kim...
After Super Junior KRY’s concert rehearsal in Budokan, Japan, Ryeowook shared a silly photo of them. Ryeowook...
Idols have huge influences, especially those with fan masses. With this, their popularity is easily displayed based...
During a press conference for their mini album ‘Re:Blue’, CNBLUE’s Jonghyun said, “I think we play too...
TVXQ‘s Changmin recently took home the best rookie award from the ‘36th Japanese Academy Awards.’ Changmin was...
Jaejoong enjoyed his party with his colleagues. On January 22nd, Hong Seok Cheon posted on his personal Twitter account,...
JYJ‘s Jaejoong is currently preparing for his upcoming solo concert, and C-JeS Entertainment has released photos showing the singer...
Ji Eun recently talked about how Hyosung rescued her from gaining major injuries during their car accident....
Nell have released their first full-length Japanese album ‘Slip Away‘. The album consists of 11 songs including...
Rookie idol band, Never Mind, has released music video teaser for their upcoming song ‘Hoi Hoi‘. Never...
On January 23rd, PSY‘s outstanding ‘Summer Stand Concert 2012 The Water Show’, held on August 11th, 2012 has...
As the girls of Rainbow prepare for their upcoming comeback sometime mid-February, they revealed a ‘comeback surprise...