Afterschool‘s Lizzy, most well-known as an Orange Caramel member, has recently announced her solo debut as a...
On the 5th day of K-Christmas, K-Pop gave to me 6 Groups That Rocked Their Niche, 5 Awesome...
On the 5th day of K-Christmas, K-Pop gave to me 5 Awesome Videos, 4 Sexy Concepts, 3 Glorious...
For the most part, K-Pop songs are all pretty catchy. But sometimes there are a few that...
Raina is a person that possesses many different sides and has the talent of showing each of...
Previously, there was news that After School‘s/Orange Caramel’s Raina was releasing a solo digital album called “Reset”...
Previously, we did an article about the “10 Idols Who Look Good With Red Hair” and now we’re...
Guess what After School and Orange Caramel fans! Raina is making her solo debut! On September 28th,...
The world famous Disney movie “Frozen” played a huge role in the K-Pop world during the first...
Orange Caramel is one of those groups that just can do no wrong. Their most recent release...
Well ALS Association‘s around the world must surely be doing cartwheels and crying tears of joy at...
Orange Caramel have just dropped their latest music video for their newest song, “My Copycat,” and as...