Although Jay Park previously revealed that he harbored a little crush on Bora, he’s now having second...
Super Junior‘s resident evil maknae Kyuhyun outed fellow member Sungmin, claiming that the latter doesn’t return to...
Ivy previously revealed that recording with J.Y. Park wasn’t easy due to his half-air-half-voice technique, the songstress...
After School‘s Lizzy and Nana appeared as guests on the recent episode of “Radio Star” together with...
FT Island‘s Hongki apologizes to Jonghyun after unintentionally revealing his ear surgery. The singer recently guested on MBC‘s ‘Radio...
Hongki talks about his performance on where he cracked his voice. On May 22nd, the singer guested...
Taecyeon recently talked about the dating rumors between him and Jessica. 2PM recently guested on ‘Radio Star‘ and...
Shinhwa will be coming back next month, and they will appear on “Radio Star” to promote their...
On an episode of ‘Radio Star’, G.NA guested on the show and impressed with some of her...
Girls’ Generation revealed that they want to stay together and promote even if a member gets married....
Jae Young Jae desires for a comeback of Kim Gura in the show. After winning the ‘Program...
On December 28th, the annual MBC Entertainment Awards aired live from Yeouido in Seoul with its main...