After teaser photos and intriguing character trailers, Vixx finally released the much awaited teaser for their title...
Vixx held a Q&A with fans on October 14th. The members received questions from their devoted fans via...
On September 29th (00:00 KST), VIXX member Hongbin covered Yoon Jong Shin and Jung Joon Il’s romantic ballad ‘GOYO‘ as a...
Fans everywhere have been anticipating the upcoming release of ‘Beautiful Liar‘, the first from VIXX‘s new sub-unit,...
Starlights, VIXX has released another video! This time, it is the dance practice from their latest comeback,...
Have you ever wondered if there was a way to make baking a cake look sexy? Wonder...
VIXX‘s comeback “Eternity” is a smash hit with fans everywhere, and the boys release a special video giving thanks...
Fresh on the heels of their “Eternity” comeback release, the boys of VIXX have revealed the 100th and final episode of VIXX...
After revealing a teaser photo and tracklist for their upcoming album repackage ‘Jekyll’, VIXX has now revealed the teaser...