After weeks of relentless teasing and anxious waiting, Super Junior’s Ryeowook has finally made his solo debut...
The Queen of K-Pop, BoA has released her final video for her latest single for her Japanese...
Fans of EXO and “Star Wars” can rejoice as the two will be releasing a collaboration! After...
Fans were certainly given a surprise when Kyuhyun dropped the music video for his new song, ‘The Day We...
Red Velvet‘s comeback is just about a week away, and they’ve been releasing teasers to build up...
Red Velvet is making a comeback! Their new title song will be titled ‘Dumb Dumb‘ and the...
Following the release of the first half of their new album with “Lion Heart,” Girls’ Generation has also...
F(x)‘s rapper Amber is an avid user of Instagram. Amber often uses Instagram to upload video snippets...
And the winner is…BoA! My Queen, and the Queen of K-Pop, of course. She released her 8th...
With the release of Super Junior‘s new album ‘Devil‘ in 3 days and Super Junior‘s 10th Anniversary....
Super Junior have dropped the music video teaser for their highly anticipated comeback title track, “Devil.” The...
EXO just recently came back with their album ‘EXODUS‘. ‘Call Me Baby‘ topped the music charts and...