Woo Taewoon, also known as Block B‘s Zico‘s brother, will be enlisting in military service soon. In...
Boyband ONF have been confirmed to join the upcoming YG survival show, ‘MIXNINE’, as contestants. ONF debuted...
Woo TaeWoon, the former member and leader of the disbanded group Speed, announced today that he is...
Speed is back with a new sound and new music video titled ‘What U.’ After a line-up...
It is now spring time here in the Northern Hemisphere and with its arrival comes Arbor Day...
Leader and rapper of the group SPEED, Woo Taewoon, has been reported to have left the group...
Officially KMusic gives you a list of artists and groups who are not gaining much attention even...
For those of us in North America, Halloween is here, so in the spirit of the holiday ,...
Well it looks like October is off to a crazy start. Kim Kwang Soo has stepped down...
If any of you has been wondering what the boys of SPEED have been up to, we know...
The internet is full of dance practice videos from all our favorite idols. I love theses videos....
Offically KMusic has returned to it’s loyal readers with a brand new look and loads of new...