While watching Clara’s Gwiyomi Song 2, you may notice a rather familiar yet beloved face, Stan Lee...
He’s handsome, talented, successful, and known for being charismatic. Yet regardless how glamorous BIGBANG’s T.O.P appears to...
G-Friend‘s debut song “Glass Bead” has just been released and already its choreography has been notice as one...
Davichi, are soon to have their first comeback under their new company with the song “Cry Again“.As...
9MUSES have already released a video teaser for their upcoming single “Drama“, showing the girls in extremely...
G-Friend has finally released their debut music video for “Glass Bead,” and it has totally exceeded expectations....
We’re on our way to finally seeing G-Friend debut! They’ve released the music video teaser for “Glass...
It seems like the girls from Davichi are back to business since they’ve just uploaded a video...
Yonghwa has finally unveiled the last of his four collaborations and with it, two exciting teasers for...
For those who thought G-Friend was just another cute girl-group with a plain concept, the girls have...
After many mysterious teasers, Crayon Pop’s Soyul has finally dropped her solo debut MV as a collaboration...
From the Airport are a great band from Fluxus, and have released their first full length album,...