MBC Every1’s comedy variety show, ‘Weekly Idol’ is known for their funny MCs, Defconn and Doni as...
In a recent episode of Weekly Idol, two members of girl group Apink, Bo Mi and Ha Young, will remove their makeup...
Hitmaker‘s first girl-group project Chamsonyeo, released their official music video for “Magic words”. After Big Byung’s second...
Did you miss Weekly Idol on 29th of October? If you did, never fear, we’ve got you covered! VIXX was...
Even though Winner have been doing extremely well on different music shows, they have only recently made...
It may sound like Big Byung is just another boy group that’s no different than the others...
Bangtan Boys were guests on the latest episode of “Weekly Idol,” in which the boys were asked to...
Shockingly, G-Dragon has another person in mind that he would choose over his best buddy of over...
Weekly Idol dropped more photos teasing at the upcoming continuing bromance between G-Dragon and co-host Jung Hyung...
BEAST guested on the recent episode of ‘Weekly Idol’ and revealed some secrets about their bodies. Yoseob...
EXO‘s Luhan shows off his cute moves by dancing to A Pink‘s latest song “No No No.”...
INFINITE, appeared as guests in a recent recording of MBC Every1‘s “Weekly Idol“, with their newest song...