Get ready Ujungs! Cosmic Girls are set to make their long-awaited return, nine months on from their...
The appropriately named ‘Cosmic Girls‘ YouTube channel follows fellow Starship group MONSTA X who also launched their...
Cosmic Girls (also known as WJSN) have released an exclusive performance music video for their newest track, ‘Happy.’ The...
Officially Kmusic would like to wish Hello Venus‘s Yeoreum and JYJ‘s Yoochun a very happy birthday! Name:...
Comic Girls have dropped their individual image teasers for their upcoming comeback, ‘Happy Moment‘. All The images...
Officially KMusic would like to wish WJSN’s Yeoreum a very happy birthday! Yeorum is one of the...
Cosmic Girls, also known as WJSN, is back with their second mini album, ‘The Secret‘. This album...
Officially KMusic would like to wish Yeoreum from Hello Venus a very happy 21st birthday! Name: Yeoreum...
Previously, we were introduced to the Wonder Unit in Starship Entertainment and Yuehwa Entertaiment’s collaboration girl group,...
The girl group Hello Venus is confirmed to have a comeback this July with their fourth mini-album and the...