The appropriately named ‘Cosmic Girls‘ YouTube channel follows fellow Starship group MONSTA X who also launched their...
With a little over a week until VIXX arrive in Australia, Ravi has gone and dropped a...
DAY6 member Jae has uploaded a new and hilarious video to his YouTube channel titled ‘You Ask...
Red Velvet released another highlight clip, titled ‘Second Date‘ on SMTOWN‘s official YouTube channel and the group’s Facebook page. The...
TWICE, who will come back on October 30, 2017, have already teased fans with various teaser images...
MONSTA X made their first official visit to Australia to be part of the first ever KCON...
Wanna One‘s reality show ‘Wanna City‘ will be airing on television quite soon! Their show was aired...
Hoya has released a new cover song for fans. This time he has covered ‘Love Yourself’ by...
Wanna One have released practice videos for their debut tracks ‘Energetic‘ and ‘Burn It Up’. The videos...
Okay, take a deep breath everyone, we’ve got lots of BTS news to get through! First, Big...
DAY6 member Jae has officially opened his own YouTube Channel (JaeSix) and has posted his first VLOG!...
INFINITE‘s Hoya has released a special gift for his fans. He shared a cover of Ed Sheeran’s...